Arclay Tuff Turf Cal-N is an All Natural liquid mixture of calcium nitrate and urea enhanced with our unique Yunite delivery system. Cal-N helps to increase movement and uptake of major nutrients while also increasing root growth. Arclay Tuff Turf Cal-N will enhance the turfs ability to endure stresses encountered during the season through stronger healthier plants.
Arclay Tuff Turf C-Phos is an All Natural phosphite product available as a liquid source of Phosphorous and Potassium and enhanced with our Yunite delivery system. Arclay Tuff Turf C-Phos can be very helpful in controlling turf diseases through the stimulation of defense molecules in the plant. Phosphites have been shown to increase uptake, enhance root and plant development, improve plant health and control disease while having an extremely low environmental toxicity.
Arclay Tuff Turf GAB 101 is an Organic product that employs the use of biological growth promoters and plant growth regulators. It is enhanced with our Yunite delivery system. It is made with a group of beneficial microorganisms, polysachrides, peptides and plant growth regulators that when applied to plants will increase root mass, nutrient uptake and suppress pathogens by competition.
Arclay Tuff Turf Grapple works by reducing the surface tension of spray solutions to allow pesticides to spread on the leaf evenly. Arclay Tuff Turf Grapple is also formulated to attach to the waxy cuticle on the leaf surface to allow the material to stay where it lands.
Arclay Tuff Turf Liquid Gold Humates are Organic highly biodegraded and compressed remains of ancient plant and animal materials made available through our Yunite delivery system. In conjunction with a balanced fertility program it will (a) enhance overall performance to a point that actual reductions of basic N-P-K may be appropriate over time (b) increase cation exchange capacity (c) enhance water retention capabilities while improving soil structure (d) enhance the development of root systems (e) enhance success of seed germination and overall plant development (f) enhance the overall plant health, improve stress resistance and maintain healthy appearance.
Enhanced with our Yunite delivery system, Arclay Tuff Turf OSM (Organic Soybean Meal) Fertilizer is a high protein feed that when broken down by microbial activity provides natural organic nitrogen. It provides a soluble form of phosphorous as well as natural seed born plant growth regulators.
Arclay Tuff Turf PREV-AM is an All Natural broad spectrum fungicide, insecticide and miticide. It is made from a combination of cold pressed orange and boric acid. It provides immediate knockdown of insects and eggs with soft bodied stages. It also knocks down diseases and spores. Arclay Tuff Turf PREV-AM is non-toxic to humans and has short re-entry times making it a safe choice for your golf course.
Arclay Tuff Turf TEM 16 with N is a foliar or soil applied micronutrient that is non-phytotoxic when used as directed. Enhanced with our Yunite delivery system, Arclay TUFF TURF TEM 16 with N is completely available to the plant and is absorbed by the leaf surface or the root system due to its natural complex properties. Arclay Tuff Turf TEM 16 with N improves plant health and therefore plant appearance by promoting root growth, increased calcium uptake, increased enzyme production and improved chlorophyll production.